Code Precast Products, Inc. has been in business as a minority owned family business since February of 1992. Between our family, there is over 100 years of precast concrete experience. From the small jobs of septic tanks and manholes, to the large ones of pipe vaults, box culverts, and drop inlets; as well as specialty items like turnout structures for agriculture and drainage products for Caltrans. We have also fabricated an underwater dam for the City of Bakersfield’s Millcreek Park. At Code Precast, we pride ourselves on our ability to conform to the customer needs.
We are certified by Caltrans as a Small Minority Business Enterprise (51320), and are certified under the State of California as a Small Minority Business Enterprise (0021946) as well. Our batch plant is certified under Caltrans CT109, and our quality control manager is certified under The American Concrete Institute (ACI #01365210). In all, our company strives to provide you with the best overall product in the central valley.